gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - About us cheap car breakdown recovery and vehicle recovery services 24/7 recovery and rescue
About Us

Breaking down on a journey is always annoying and disruptive


Year of Success

Our efficient office team are trained to promptly understand your exact location and dispatch the nearest fleet vehicle to you. All of our recovery vehicles are fitted with GPS tracking so that our office staff know exactly where we are in relation to you and can guide us to your precise location, while keeping you updated and reassured that help is on the way.

Friendly service

We will deliver you, your passengers and your vehicle safely home.

We are also Flexible

Our recovery fleet is available for cars, vans, motorbikes and commercial vehicles.

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How we can Help you

If your car breaks down, we’ll come to the rescue.

It doesn’t matter who’s driving or if you’re in the vehicle at the time, if your car breaks down, we’ll be there without need for a membership or an account! For essex car breakdown or essex car breakdown service. We will only charge a friendly fee for the service.

Britaniarecovery is a pay as you go breakdown recovery service, covering all of Harlow, Essex and London.  We have an extensive fleet of Car Recovery trucks that are able to transport your vehicle to and from Harlow. Car Recovery can be provided typically within few minutes to an hour of your call.

Necessary Steps

Step 1

Give us a call, an agent will take your location, and more information about the situation. We will then book a recovery truck service available to come and help you, in the meantime please stay safe from oncoming traffic.

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - About us cheap car breakdown recovery and vehicle recovery services 24/7 recovery and rescue

Step 2

We will send you a safe and reliable 24 hour breakdown and recovery truck in London for Car, Van, Motorcycle, Caravan, Police impounded Vehicle collection, Accident recovery, keyless Vehicle recovery and Wrong Fuel in Car. We will able to help you transport your car home or to a garage of your choice. If we can resolve the problem and get you back on road we will do. For example Low battery, electrical fault, tire puncture…

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - About us cheap car breakdown recovery and vehicle recovery services 24/7 recovery and rescue

24 Hours Emergency Recovery

Contact us

Essex car Breakdown services

Contact us

London Breakdown Recovery Service

Contact us

We believe in building long lasting relationships.


[email protected]




07 389 859 191
